Friday, March 27, 2015

*Weeks 14-15*

So, the past two weeks just kind of really flew by and I forgot to blog at week 14... So, I will combine 14 & 15 into one! :)

Kinda hard to believe that we are into the second trimester and moving along so fast! Time is just flying by,,, CRAZY.

So, during week 14, I began to develop headaches. Not just little nagging ones, but kind of debilitating. They make me miserable and I have to lay down for a bit. I hate to take anything, but Daryl insists I take one Tylenol to take the edge off so I do. The nausea was beginning to let up here and there. Depending on what I ate, it wasn't that bad. We went to the park on Sunday to let Camryn play and she had a blast! I think Daryl did too, haha!! We had milkshakes and Camryn was about exhausted when we went home. I worked two night shifts during the week, so needless to say, I was a bit "off", but once I did them, I had a week off. So that was awesome!! The week just went on by... with a lot of naps. HeHe

Week 15 came and went. I honestly don't know where it went. The headaches were AWFUL, though. I surely hope these things ease up.. I don't remember these from my pregnancy with Cam, but then again, it's been four years, so who knows?! I was really tired this week. I don't know why, but I allowed myself to rest. I didn't overdo anything. I kept the weight gain to a minimum, but I can tell when I've eaten too much sodium.. My hands and feet start to feel 'tight' and I feel slow. So I am going to have to start watching that or I am going to be a balloon... The scale doesn't have alot of mercy when it comes to that, either. :( Another weird symptom... I didn't feel this until the end of the pregnancy with Camryn, so it's kinda awkward now... I have had alot of lower back pain and pubic bone-type pain this week... how it feels when you've worked out alot and have a hard time getting up. It's really painful, but I am trying to not complain too much to Daryl because he is so stressed with work and the end of tax season so I am trying to chug along and suck it up! Just a small price to pay, I suppose!? The positive...I am beginning to feel movements here and there! Kind of like a little fish flopping, and they only come every few days, but they're there and they are refreshing!


**How far along? 14-15 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: About +3lbs over 2.5wks--- So +13lbs at week 15. Eww.

**How Big is Baby?: 14: Peach & 15: Pear  :)

**Maternity clothes? Haha oh yeahhhhh...still holding out for maternity scrubs though.

**Stretch marks? I don't even know... Have the ones from Camryn so who knows lol

**Sleep: Comes and goes... Depends on if I have napped or not haha

**Nausea: Here and there but that is finally getting better.

**Best moment this week: Camryn... I told her I have her baby brother or sister in my belly again and she said, "Aww, can I see it?!" hehe

**Movement: Little fishy flops here and there!

**Food cravings: Chicken salad... COLD stuff. Nothing hot. And watermelon!

**Gender: We think we know... but YOU have to wait!! HaHa

**Labor Signs: No way!!

Friday, March 13, 2015

*Week 13*

So week 13 was a great one (SECOND TRIMESTER!! WOOHOO!!), as far as events and things that happened... as far as the pregnancy symptoms, well, that's another story...

 Saturday morning, after Camryn's dance class, my mom and I and Cam went to my cousin's son's 4th birthday party. It was at a volunteer fire station, which was adorable for a boy's party. Camryn was not a fan of the loud trucks, though.. The firefighters were giving all the children a short ride around the parking lot in the truck with lights on and horns beeping, and as they were pulling off, Cam got the saddest little pout lip and teary eyes... I yelled "STOP!" and my mom jumped on and sat with her. I DO NOT like to see my baby upset. Talk about emotional, overative mother here... Sheesh!! But we finally got to tell alot of family that I was pregnant and everyone was super excited for us :) Saturday night, mom took Camryn home with her and Daryl and I had a long overdue date night. We went to dinner at Ruby Tuesday's where he used to work and ate dinner (what I could stand-- My nausea was unbearable) and saw all our friends, then we went and saw Unfinished Business-- It was ok, not quite as funny as we thought it would be, but it was nice to spend some time together. We got home and watched some more of our new fave series, The 4400, and I fell asleep haha I was exhausted!! The sweet thing about this date night... That's exactly how we spent a night out celebrating becoming pregnant with Ms Camryn :)

 Sunday we went to pick up Camryn at my parent's and spent some time there, just hanging out. Nice little relaxing day. Tuesday was my birthday!! I got my hair cut... and I mean CHOPPED. I cut off 7-8in and got hi-lites and I LOVE it. It makes me look so much more 'put together' and mature. Daryl got off of work a little early and we went to our Ultrasound to be tested for Down's and Spina Bifida (Nucal Translucency Testing). Baby looked great!! He/she was very cooperative and HR was 157 bpm. The Ultrasound Tech said she thought she could tell the sex, and we know, but we will keep that a secret until the real reveal at our 20 week anatomy scan to be sure :) Afterwards, we went to my parent's house for steaks for my birthday. Mom and dad gave me a pregnancy knee pillow and a nice Tervis cup (it's only our 15th one?) and some $$. Love them so much<3 Daryl is going to be buying me a nice new pillow, bc that's what I asked for haha OLD LADY. The rest of the week I just rested. Then I worked Thursday and Friday nights. Blah.

/\ /\My new hair! /\ /\

\/ \/ Baby US Pics! \/ \/

Bottom pic: Sucking thumb :)


**How far along? 13.5 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: About 10-11 lbs

**How Big is Baby?: A kiwi!

**Maternity clothes? Haha oh yeahhhhh

**Stretch marks? I don't even know... Have the ones from Camryn so who knows lol

**Sleep: Comes and goes... Not so great with the night shifts

**Nausea: Yeah...was worse at the beginning of the week but seems to be tapering off some!?

**Best moment this week: The US and hearing the heartbeat and seeing our baby again :)

**Movement: I like to think I feel little flutters hehe

**Food cravings: Uhmmm buffalo chicken pizza and FRUIT!!! FRUIT SALAD!!!

**Gender: We think we know... but YOU have to wait!! HaHa

**Labor Signs: No way!!

Monday, March 9, 2015

*Week 12*

Hello, again!

So here we are at week 12. Man, time flies... I cannot believe that this is the last week of my first trimester?! My younger sister told me that your second pregnancy goes by faster than your first... Not because it's not as important or that you're not paying attention as closely to everything as you did last time, but because you're busier. And it's true. Daryl is working ALOT, having a toddler who is in school and dance and is a busybody, different things going on at work, and among other things, constantly thinking about family who is out of state, sick, etc. It's just amazing how fast life goes. Wow?! SO, enough with the heavy, Bonnie...

Anyway! So week 12. I worked the weekend. We were VERY busy, the unit was full with sick little kiddos. I worked with an awesome lady so it was fun, but as I have always been more prone to retain fluid, I got small cankles by midday Saturday.. even my tiny little coworker had the same issues. We were on our feet constantly and didn't even get to eat anything until about 2pm. So, I was starving, stuffed my face, and felt sick as all get out afterwards. I was dehydrated, and tired. By the afternoon I had an excruciating headache. I went home and ate dinner but was hurting, so Daryl told me to go to bed and get some sleep. When I stood up, I was so dizzy it was crazy, I thought rest would help, but I woke up at midnight and it was still awful so I called the OB dept at the hospital where I work and the nurse told me she thinks I threw my blood sugar out of whack and was dehydrated. So, I downed about a liter of water in an hour and went back to sleep. The next morning the dizziness was gone but the headache wasn't. I told my co-workers what happened and she was on me all day about eating every 2-3 hrs and drinking water NO MATTER WHAT. She's so great :) So, that was scary... but I got through it. My BP was 134/79 at work Sunday, so I was ok with that.

Let's see. Not much else happened the rest of the week. I worked night shift Tuesday night and once I got off Wednesday morning, I went home and slept and knew that I was off for the next 8 days... so I felt relaxed and rested. NICE!! 

**How far along? 12.5 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: Ugh, this better slow down!! + 8.5lbs

**How Big is Baby?: A plum!

**Maternity clothes? Yup! Not scrubs yet... I love maternity clothes :)

**Stretch marks? I don't even know... Have the ones from Camryn so who knows lol

**Sleep: Comes and goes...

**Nausea: Good Lord, yes! It's so bad AFTER any meal or snack... :(

**Best moment this week: Actually getting SOME sleep.

**Movement: I like to think I feel little flutters hehe

**Food cravings: OJ and spicy food!! (Wendy's spicy chicken nuggets.. yumm!)

**Gender: Don't know yet!

**Labor Signs: No way!!

**Belly Button in or out? In