So, the past two weeks just kind of really flew by and I forgot to blog at week 14... So, I will combine 14 & 15 into one! :)
Kinda hard to believe that we are into the second trimester and moving along so fast! Time is just flying by,,, CRAZY.
So, during week 14, I began to develop headaches. Not just little nagging ones, but kind of debilitating. They make me miserable and I have to lay down for a bit. I hate to take anything, but Daryl insists I take one Tylenol to take the edge off so I do. The nausea was beginning to let up here and there. Depending on what I ate, it wasn't that bad. We went to the park on Sunday to let Camryn play and she had a blast! I think Daryl did too, haha!! We had milkshakes and Camryn was about exhausted when we went home. I worked two night shifts during the week, so needless to say, I was a bit "off", but once I did them, I had a week off. So that was awesome!! The week just went on by... with a lot of naps. HeHe
Week 15 came and went. I honestly don't know where it went. The headaches were AWFUL, though. I surely hope these things ease up.. I don't remember these from my pregnancy with Cam, but then again, it's been four years, so who knows?! I was really tired this week. I don't know why, but I allowed myself to rest. I didn't overdo anything. I kept the weight gain to a minimum, but I can tell when I've eaten too much sodium.. My hands and feet start to feel 'tight' and I feel slow. So I am going to have to start watching that or I am going to be a balloon... The scale doesn't have alot of mercy when it comes to that, either. :( Another weird symptom... I didn't feel this until the end of the pregnancy with Camryn, so it's kinda awkward now... I have had alot of lower back pain and pubic bone-type pain this week... how it feels when you've worked out alot and have a hard time getting up. It's really painful, but I am trying to not complain too much to Daryl because he is so stressed with work and the end of tax season so I am trying to chug along and suck it up! Just a small price to pay, I suppose!? The positive...I am beginning to feel movements here and there! Kind of like a little fish flopping, and they only come every few days, but they're there and they are refreshing!
**How far along? 14-15 weeks
**Total weight gain/loss: About +3lbs over 2.5wks--- So +13lbs at week 15. Eww.
**How Big is Baby?: 14: Peach & 15: Pear :)
**Maternity clothes? Haha oh yeahhhhh...still holding out for maternity scrubs though.
**Stretch marks? I don't even know... Have the ones from Camryn so who knows lol
**Sleep: Comes and goes... Depends on if I have napped or not haha
**Nausea: Here and there but that is finally getting better.
**Best moment this week: Camryn... I told her I have her baby brother or sister in my belly again and she said, "Aww, can I see it?!" hehe
**Movement: Little fishy flops here and there!
**Food cravings: Chicken salad... COLD stuff. Nothing hot. And watermelon!
**Gender: We think we know... but YOU have to wait!! HaHa
**Labor Signs: No way!!