Monday, April 27, 2015

*Week 20*

*~*~*~*~AND HERE WE ARE... THE HALFWAY MARK!!! 20 WEEKS!!!~*~*~*~*

Can you believe it?! I am halfway through this pregnancy. Probably more than that, because I'm pretty sure my doctor will induce me early again, but for numbers sake, we will say halfway. CRAZY!!

So this past week, we did alot. On Friday, Daryl's first official day off after tax season was over, we went and bought a new car!! A better family vehicle, I might add. We traded in the old Explorer and purchased a brand new Dodge Durango (pic below... didn't take an actual pic because ours is green from the pollen, but ours is exactly the same type and color as below). We fell in love with it... So nice!! Very roomy, lots of extras, including my beloved heated seats and a HEATED STEERING WHEEL... Daryl can't believe that, haha. Camryn said "Thanks Daddy, for this pretty gift. I like this new car!" HaHa Baby, mommy works too!! After test driving different vehicles and sitting all day wheelin' and dealin', I swelled bad!!!! My feet were humungo haha. Daryl said "Wow, deja vu..." After we got it, we went out to dinner.. RED LOBSTER. I finally got my crab legs that I've been wanting for WEEKS!! So so yummy. But yeah, we are super excited about the new car... Another step closer, another thing marked off our 'preparation list' for baby!

Saturday night we had some friends over for a small cook-out get together.. super fun, low key. We didn't do much, but it was nice to see people we haven't seen in a while, and I am sure Daryl especially had fun... He's been MIA since tax season started!!

A co-worker asked to work my weekend April 25-26 for personal reasons, so I agreed and worked two night shifts in a row this week. The first night wasn't bad... my patients asked if I was expecting... I guess to strangers, I finally look 'pregnant' and not just chubby haha. The second night was ROUGH. We were so super busy... had a lot of OB patients in our overflow area, but the nurse I worked with was actually also an OB nurse, so she was fine with it, thank goodness. After I got home Wednesday morning, I slept alllllllll day. Very very nice haha. I kept my baby girl home with me on Thursday because I missed her... I feel like I miss out on so much when doing nights in a row... I try not to do it often. I have to do it again next week, but that's it for a while.

Still in my Danskos and wedding rings... The rings get tight when it gets hot out, but still manageable for now. Swelling isn't too bad yet... but it's not 80+ degrees yet, either. The rain has kept the pollen at bay some, but as soon as that goes away, the hot weather is going to kick in!! Hereeeee we go!!! 

Alrighty then... I will see you all again soon... Until next week!!


**How far along? 20 weeks--- HALFWAY!!!!

**Total weight gain/loss: +1.8 lb this week... +19ish total. RIGHT on track with my weight gain with Camryn!!

**How Big is Baby?: Mango! (10.58oz & 10" long crown to heel)

**Maternity clothes? Ohhh yeah. Maternity scrubs are going to have to happen next week haha

**Stretch marks? I don't even know... Have the ones from Camryn so who knows lol

**Sleep: Mehhhh.

**Best moment this week: Lots of baby movements Tuesday night at work.

**Movement: Here and there... mainly after eating a meal. Come on, baby!!!

**Food cravings: Them crab legs!! Thank you, Red Lobster!!

**Gender: Hmmmmmmmm ;)

**Labor Signs: Nope!

**Belly Button in or out? In

*Week 19*

Hello friends and family!!

    So, I am so bad at updating this blog on a weekly basis, and I am sorry for that! It's true... the first pregnancy, you have so much time do things like this, but once you have a child running around, boy oh boy, it's different. I will try to get better at it, I promise. So, since I am currently 20w3d at the moment, I am going to catch up by blogging about weeks 18 and 19 today!

   Well, week 18 was a pretty tiring one, if I do say so myself. I was still fighting that sinus/allergy issue that I have never really encountered before, so that was no fun. I worked two 12 hour shifts Saturday and Sunday with some super fun gals, but it was a rather busy weekend, so it was tiring. Luckily, though, I didn't swell. I've received some comments from people... The usual "Wow!! WHEN ARE YOU DUE?!" and the "Girl, you look like you're due so soon!" ... I am trying to ignore it because I also get the "Your belly is so adorable" types, too, and this is most likely my last pregnancy, so I am going to embrace this belly. To hell with 'em!!

I am officially still in my wedding rings and Danskos (my nice work shoes that I had to retire at 18wks in my pregnancy with Cam due to swelling). So far, swelling isn't too bad, unless I sit or stand ALL DAY... But so far, so good. And this week was IT for tax season... I finally get my husband back!! WooHoo!! haha. Poor guy... he has been working his tail off!! But, we finally get some normalcy back now. I noticed I was really crampy and tired this week, taking naps when I could and downing the water, which helps cramping. I noticed some good movement from baby after eating lima beans... Cool kid!! I love them things, and Daryl thinks they're gross. I am the one setting the future for our children's taste buds right now, so I am trying to eat healthy!! So all in all, not a whole lot happened exciting this week, ya know... just over here growing a human, no big deal. ;p HaHa Love you all!!


**How far along? 19 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: +1 lb this week... Cool. I am good with that. They say +1 lb per week from here on out is the goal.

**How Big is Baby?: Grapefruit!! Love those things haha (8.5oz & 6" crown to rump)

**Maternity clothes? Sheesh, yes!!! So so so comfy.

**Stretch marks? I don't even know... Have the ones from Camryn so who knows lol

**Sleep: Slept alot during the day, decent... Not so much at night time haha

**Best moment this week: Feeling little moments here and there... Want to feel more. It makes me nervous not feeling alot yet. :(

**Movement: ^^^

**Food cravings: Lima beans, I suppose!?

**Gender: Hmmmmmmmm ;)

**Labor Signs: Nope!

**Belly Button in or out? In

Monday, April 13, 2015

*Weeks 17-18*

Helllllllllo again, family and friends <3

Here's the belly at almost 18 wks!! Yowza!!

So at the moment, I am 18 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I was looking at my blog from when pregnant with Camryn yesterday and realized I was blogging from the point of pregnancy I was currently in and reviewing what went on in the past week, so I will be doing that from now on. As in, I am 18 weeks, so I am going to tell you all what went on in week 17!!

Major weird symptoms: Still having that daggon LIGAMENT PAIN. It hurts. So much. Didn't have it with Cam so it's strange to me. Have to keep reminding myself that every pregnancy is different! I had what I thought was the beginning stages of preggo carpal tunnel in my right middle finger but it went away after three days so I don't know what that was haha! And slightly intermittent blurry vision in my right eye only? Soooo weird. Only when I have my contacts in, too, so I have been wearing my glasses alot lately. Who knows.

April 4-5 was Easter weekend. We decided to go to my mom and dad's house for the night when Daryl got off of work Saturday. Great weekend, but I was SICK. I was drinking hot decaf tea and popping Halls like it was my job! Sore throat, achey, tired, sinus pressure. I felt so awful Sunday that I slept ALL day. Didn't even watch Camryn hunt for Easter eggs :( Luckily I began to feel somewhat better the next day. Yuck.

I've been nervous because I haven't felt much movement from baby. Everyone keeps saying to give it another week or two, but this is so nerve wracking! It's so relieving to finally feel movement. I worked Tues day shift and Wed night shift, both with the other two preggos on my unit! Super fun to be able to talk pregnancy with them. They're both having boys! Yay! Everyone cannot wait to find out what I am having :) When I got home from my night shift, I slept for a few hours and woke up to not one, but TWO charlie horses back to back in my right calf muscle. I couldn't get them to go away... I just rocked back and forth grabbing my leg and cried lol. Ouchhhhhh. I guess I need more potassium!

Good news: Daryl and I have been pre-approved for a nice amount for a car loan so we will be trading in our old Explorer for a newer SUV next weekend... NO MINI VAN FOR US. HAHA

Well, that's about it for week 17. I will update how week 18 went in a few days when I turn 19 weeks!! :) Bye for now!!


**How far along? 18 weeks (But updating on what happened during week 17)

**Total weight gain/loss: Just another pound this week! On track for now!

**How Big is Baby?: At 17 wks: Naval Orange & 18 wks: Dragon Fruit (7oz & 6" crown to rump!)

**Maternity clothes? Yes yes yes. Belly's a-growing!!

**Stretch marks? I don't even know... Have the ones from Camryn so who knows lol

**Sleep: Comes and goes... Pregnancy insomnia is def there!!

**Nausea: Yeah, it comes and goes. Ugh.

**Best moment this week: Feeling a little movement!!

**Movement: Here and there... WIsh there was more!!

**Food cravings: LOL Lemonade slushies from Taco Bell!!  :P

**Gender: Don't know yet!

**Labor Signs: No way!!

**Belly Button in or out? In... but it's flat!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

*Week 16*

Sooooo here's week 16!?

I swear time is seriously FLYING by. Not only is the pregnancy going on by, but time in general. Daryl's fist official tax season is coming to an end and Camryn has been in preschool for THREE months?! CRAZY TRAIN. She is learning so much... bittersweet <3

So this week, I have to talk about the crazy ligament pain. I know I mentioned it last week, but it is the most notable thing going on. It's like a bad pulled muscle that aches if you're sitting the wrong way. Hurts. ALOT. I worked night shift on Tuesday night and wasn't feeling too hot... just kind of tired and sore. By the morning, my belly was aching and sore and I could tell a long day of sleep and rest was in order. I have been getting those annoying comments now.. "WOW! Your belly is popping on out there, huh?" and "Wait, how far along are you...?" I'm not quite as sweet about it as I was my first pregnancy... maybe because I am older and just tell it like it is...  but I come back with "Yeah, I am pregnant so my belly'g big... what's your excuse?" People think they can shut off their mouth filter when a pregnant woman comes around, but I wouldn't recommend that around me these days. HaHa. I think the baby was growing lots this week because I felt a little more sleepy than normal, so that is a good thing!!

We had our 16wk appt on Thursday and got to hear that sweet little heartbeat again-- HR 155. Took the doctor about 8sec to find it and I began to get a little freaked out! But when she did... oh the sweetness <3 Now my BP was a different story... I'm not sure what's going on but when they first take it, it's SOOOO HIGH. I told the new nurse to wait but she insisted, and it was 165/91. OUCH. After a few minutes, it was down to 139/85. So, my doctor was ok with that but insisted we do blood pressures at home every few days to keep a log, so we are doing that now. We also made the appt for our anatomy scan/ official gender reveal appt and that is APRIL 30. So, we will announce that shortly after!! Afterwards, we picked up our CamCam and did our usual "after doctor appointment" family dinner and ice cram!!


**How far along? 16.5 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: Just one pound this week! Right on track.

**How Big is Baby?: Avocado!! 

**Maternity clothes? Yes yes yes. Regular pants sort of 'cut off' the belly and make it look 'muffin-top'-ish. Not so cute... Need to invest in some regular lounge pants, maternity style now!!

**Stretch marks? I don't even know... Have the ones from Camryn so who knows lol

**Sleep: Ehhh... depends on the night. Poor Camryn has bad allergies right now so she isn't sleeping well. I just look at it as it won't be such a shock to our systems when baby arrives!! HaHa.

**Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat again!! And finding out that all the NT testing was normal, so no down's syndrome or trisomy. Great news!! <3

**Movement: Here and there... I notice more movements when I eat watermelon. Cannot wait for ther bigger, defined movements!!

**Food cravings: Ice water and fruit... Normal for me, though. COLD stuff.

**Gender: Hmmmmmmmm..... hahaha

**Labor Signs: Nope

**Belly Button in or out? In