Monday, April 13, 2015

*Weeks 17-18*

Helllllllllo again, family and friends <3

Here's the belly at almost 18 wks!! Yowza!!

So at the moment, I am 18 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I was looking at my blog from when pregnant with Camryn yesterday and realized I was blogging from the point of pregnancy I was currently in and reviewing what went on in the past week, so I will be doing that from now on. As in, I am 18 weeks, so I am going to tell you all what went on in week 17!!

Major weird symptoms: Still having that daggon LIGAMENT PAIN. It hurts. So much. Didn't have it with Cam so it's strange to me. Have to keep reminding myself that every pregnancy is different! I had what I thought was the beginning stages of preggo carpal tunnel in my right middle finger but it went away after three days so I don't know what that was haha! And slightly intermittent blurry vision in my right eye only? Soooo weird. Only when I have my contacts in, too, so I have been wearing my glasses alot lately. Who knows.

April 4-5 was Easter weekend. We decided to go to my mom and dad's house for the night when Daryl got off of work Saturday. Great weekend, but I was SICK. I was drinking hot decaf tea and popping Halls like it was my job! Sore throat, achey, tired, sinus pressure. I felt so awful Sunday that I slept ALL day. Didn't even watch Camryn hunt for Easter eggs :( Luckily I began to feel somewhat better the next day. Yuck.

I've been nervous because I haven't felt much movement from baby. Everyone keeps saying to give it another week or two, but this is so nerve wracking! It's so relieving to finally feel movement. I worked Tues day shift and Wed night shift, both with the other two preggos on my unit! Super fun to be able to talk pregnancy with them. They're both having boys! Yay! Everyone cannot wait to find out what I am having :) When I got home from my night shift, I slept for a few hours and woke up to not one, but TWO charlie horses back to back in my right calf muscle. I couldn't get them to go away... I just rocked back and forth grabbing my leg and cried lol. Ouchhhhhh. I guess I need more potassium!

Good news: Daryl and I have been pre-approved for a nice amount for a car loan so we will be trading in our old Explorer for a newer SUV next weekend... NO MINI VAN FOR US. HAHA

Well, that's about it for week 17. I will update how week 18 went in a few days when I turn 19 weeks!! :) Bye for now!!


**How far along? 18 weeks (But updating on what happened during week 17)

**Total weight gain/loss: Just another pound this week! On track for now!

**How Big is Baby?: At 17 wks: Naval Orange & 18 wks: Dragon Fruit (7oz & 6" crown to rump!)

**Maternity clothes? Yes yes yes. Belly's a-growing!!

**Stretch marks? I don't even know... Have the ones from Camryn so who knows lol

**Sleep: Comes and goes... Pregnancy insomnia is def there!!

**Nausea: Yeah, it comes and goes. Ugh.

**Best moment this week: Feeling a little movement!!

**Movement: Here and there... WIsh there was more!!

**Food cravings: LOL Lemonade slushies from Taco Bell!!  :P

**Gender: Don't know yet!

**Labor Signs: No way!!

**Belly Button in or out? In... but it's flat!!

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