Friday, July 31, 2015

*32 weeks*

So 32 weeks. THIRTY. TWO. WEEKS. CRAZY!!!

This week, I was SO tired. Almost every day. I slept alot, and the nausea was starting to kick back in. I remember that happening from my last pregnancy, and it make sense... there's no room anymore in there! HaHa. 

Friday night, I worked an extra 'bonus' shift, making a good amount of extra money per hour, and it wasn't too bad. But come Saturday morning, I was ready to hit the sheets. I woke up around 1pm, and Cam and Daryl were just having a chill out day, playing and hanging out. All was going ok, but I started having some crazy heart palpitations... to the point that it scared me. Daryl listened to my heart through a stethoscope and could actually hear my heart skip beats.. He made me drink water, eat, and lay down. It worried him, which made me concerned haha. But after a few hours, I was ok. I think I was dehydrated. But really, I am sort of overdoing it. I am trying to work as much as possible now to get things paid down before I go out on FMLA. Oh well.

Sunday morning, we got up and just went at it with cleaning and organizing. Things are getting down to the nitty gritty and we are starting to panic! We cleaned so much, and I just kept trucking along, and by the afternoon, I was completely wiped out. So tired that I couldn't even shave my legs that night haha! We just rested up and had a nice little family movie night before the week started.

Monday, I got on the phone and finally called and set up my short term disability for when I am out... I will only get paid for the amount of time that my doctor says I need to be out.. So for example, if I were to go out and have the baby naturally the next day, the doctor will say, "Ok, you need to be out of  work for six weeks"... There is still a 'two week wait period', where you don't get paid and they process everything, so I will only be paid for four weeks... and only 60% of my BASE PAY at that. So, that is going to hurt. But as Daryl says, "Atleast we get something, babe..." It will take care of our insurance for while I am out, so that is nice. But still.. why can't the US recognize maternity leave like other countries?! Some countries get MONTHS off with PAID leave. Sheesh. Oh well... it is what it is. I ended up working Monday night, which wasn't bad. We decided to try to potty train Cam at nighttime and after two nights, we thought, 'who cares about this right now' haha. It is HARD and she gets so upset with herself so we are putting that off for now.

Thursday I had lunch with some ladies at work, as a going away celebration for one of my co-workers and to catch up with some of my friends :) We had a staff meeting afterwards and the work ladies had a little cake for the preggos! It was delish! Then I made a grocery trip and headed home. That's about it for this week... see ya next week!


**How far along? 32 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: Nada. I didn't gain at all this week! WooHoo!

**How Big is Baby?: Winter Squash... 2.5 - 3.8 lbs.... I doubt that. I am huge!

**Maternity clothes? YES... and they're starting to get a little small in the belly... and my t-shirts are getting VERY short!

**Stretch marks? Oh yeah.. I think I can feel new ones come up... it's a 'pulling' feeling. Strange, I know...

**Sleep: Comes and goes. If I get sleepy and am able to lay down, I do!

**Best moment this week: Sleep when I am able. HaHa.

**Movement: All the time. And they hurt sometimes!!

**Food cravings: Quesadillas!!

**Gender: Baby girl!!!!!!!

**Labor Signs: Nah...

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