So this past week was BUSY BUSY BUSY!!
Friday, I picked up Cam from school and met Daryl at the grocery store and we got our two weeks worth of groceries. I still haven't been feeling 100%. Trying to get myself together. HaHa I checked and we didn't have any kids in Peds where I work so I was hoping to be on call for atleast part of the day on Saturday. Well, they had different plans for me... Bummer.
Saturday morning, I got the phone call to be floated to OB. I was pretty bitter about it because I didn't feel so hot, but I wasn't super busy and they took it easy on me. It wasn't bad and I got my hours!! Sunday, I worked all day again, but in Peds. We had one patient and the other nurse, a good friend of mine, Jacki, took the patient all day. I just took it easy. I definitely wasn't feeling well that day, but it was more-so just nausea. BAD nausea, all day. I left out of there that night and went home to chicken noodle soup... love my hubs <3
So, after a decent night's sleep, we got up Monday morning and took Cam to school. Then, Daryl had his scheduled endoscopy to test for reasons of his difficulty swallowing. We got the answer we were hoping for,,, Just years of acid reflux and a stricture. So, they stretched out his esophagus and kept him on Protonix. He has been feeling so much better, and we are relieved :) Afterwards, we grabbed lunch and went home and napped. WooHoo!
Tuesday, I worked an extra shift, 7a-3p. It wasn't too bad, just busy. Got that bonus pay!!
I worked night shift Wednesday night and by this time, I was exhausted. I slept all day Wednesday... just abnormally tired. Daryl checked my blood pressure when he got home and it was so high, he told me to check it again when I got to work. Well, I did, and it was 163/102. Eeeek. I knew I had a doc appt on Thursday, so I just took it easy and put my feet up as much as possible.
Then.... DUN DUN DUN. Thursday's doc appt went totally different than I expected. My blood pressure was 165/100 and did not come down easily. My doctor took me out of work, and told me I had protein in my urine. She then said "Well, your blood pressure doesn't want to come down, so we are going to send you to the hospital to be monitored for a little while". Took us by total surprise. Soooo we headed over. They hooked me up to the monitor and Kori's heartbeat was nice and strong, but my BP was still up, So, the doctor checked me and I was closed and about 50% effaced. But, since my pressure was still unstable, they decided to check my blood and discovered my platelets were low. They explained they were going to keep my overnight and check them again in the morning. If they fall, they were going to induce me. I got scared. Induce me at 35 weeks?! Daryl calmed me down, and explained they would only do what's best. I felt better but DID NOT sleep well. But.... the next morning, my PLT stayed the same!! So they sent me home. Pheeewwww!!! I am on bedrest and was told to seriously take it easy. So, that's \what I am doing!
At this point, it's a waiting game. We will have another doc appt on Monday with an ultrasound and a biophysical profile to check Kori's growth. Seeeee you all then!!! <3
**How far along? 35 weeks
**Total weight gain/loss: I gained 1.4 lbs ... Not too bad.
**How Big is Baby?: Honeydew!! I don't doubt it... She feels huge!!
**Maternity clothes? Yes... I can't wear t-shirts anymore. Things are getting snug in the belly.
**Stretch marks? Oh yeah.. I think I can feel new ones come up... it's a 'pulling' feeling. Strange, I know...
**Sleep: Comes and goes. If I get sleepy and am able to lay down, I do!
**Best moment this week: Hearing Kori's heartbeat for hours on end Thursday night <3
**Movement: All the time. And they hurt!!
**Food cravings: Nothing really?
**Gender: Baby girl!!!!!!!
**Labor Signs: Am having some irregular contractions... they showed up on the monitor, but they weren't regular, so they weren't concerned.
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