Tuesday, September 1, 2015

*Kori's First Week*

    So, due to the fact that Kori was born a little early at 37 weeks, her bilirubin level was too high for her to be able to go home. So they put her under the bili lights for jaundice for a night. That night was awful. She did NOT like the mask, at all. Daryl felt as helpless as I did. But, we had a great nurse who offered to take her into the nursery for a few hours and let us get a little sleep. The next morning, her levels were ok so they sent us home!!

We left and picked up Camryn from daycare and headed home as a family!! All was ok during the day, but that night was awful. I think Camryn was afraid we were going to leave her again, so she insisted on sleeping with us. I was trying to adjust to nursing, and having a newborn, and Daryl was exhausted. But, we just trucked on and got up and took Cam to daycare, then took Kori to her follow up appt. Well, she had lost even more weight than when leaving the hospital (8lbs even), and her color was still jaundiced. So, the doctor gave me some breastfeeding pointers and sent us to have her bili level drawn again. Afterwards, we grabbed lunch and headed home.

At about 1:15, I got a phone call from our pediatrician saying that her level was 14.5, and we had to be admitted to the hospital here in Farmville, where I work, overnight, for more phototherapy. I just sat there and cried for about 30 mins. Then, I got myself together and we headed over to the hospital. The night went well, and I pumped and we supplemented formula for the night. Kori did better under the lights, probably because her little tummy was so full from the formula! And the next morning, her weight was up to 8lb1oz and her level was 12.8. Dr. Dionisio let us go home and follow up the next day. That night at home was much better, and at her doc appt, Kori was up to 8lbs3oz!! Pleased, the doctor let us go home and we are to follow up next week. <3

The weekend and following days went so much better. Daryl and I are careful to spend time with Camryn and help her feel included. She loves her little sister so much, and it makes me smile :) She is sleeping in her own bed, but still wants us to lay with her while she falls asleep. That's nothing new, and I am not taking that away from her. Kori is adjusting well and is learning the breastfeeding thing more and more each day!! I think we are settling in well. I couldn't be happier. I am so in love. <3

**All of this would have never been possible without the love of my life, Daryl. I love him so much more every day, and am so happy and excited to keep doing life everyday with him.**


Introducing our sweet, sweet baby girl...
*Kori Elizabeth Prewitt*
Born 08/22/15 @ 9:48 pm
20" long

So, here is the detailed, yet abbreviated version of my birth story with Kori.

Friday morning, we woke up at the hotel and got ready, then called to see if they had a bed ready for me. I was told to wait for a phone call that I should receive around 8am, so we then walked across the hall and dropped off Camryn with Daryl's parents. Cam got a little teary eyed, and it made me cry again. But, she was ok within ten mins. Daryl and I went to Panera for breakfast, and then as we were leaving, I received a phone call informing me that I can come on in!! So, we headed over to VBH <3

Once I arrived at 0845, I changed into a gown and got into bed. They started an IV and we were on our way!! 

The doctor (Dr. Robertson, same one who delivered Camryn) came in and checked me around 11:30 and I was 2.5cm, 80% effaced, head high. So, we started Pitocin at noon to get things going. The nurse was a little frustrated because she had a difficult time finding Kori's heartbeat, due to the polyhydramnios.  My hips were hurting, and I was becoming emotional. If it weren't for my amazing husband, I don't know what I would do.

At 7pm, the doctor came back in and checked me and there was NO PROGRESS... And when he checked me, her head was so high, and it hurt SO BAD. I begged him to stop, He then suggested that I go ahead and get an epidural if I was planning on it anyway to help with pain and he would try to break my water. So, I did, And I cried. ALOT. I missed my Camryn and she was asking Daryl's parents where her mommy and daddy were... I felt so guilty. On top of that, I wasn't progressing, At all. But, we got the epidural from a wonderful anesthesiologist and they gave me Zofran to help with nausea. I started feeling better and the doctor attempted to break my water... attempted. I'll talk more about that later. 

So, I slept some. Daryl slept some. I woke up at 0140 and could feel my legs again. The nurse came in and showed me how to bolus myself with medicine and it helped. The night was sort of a blur, though.

At about 0830, a new doctor came in and checked me and decided that I had not progressed at all still... and my water WAS NOT broken. Nice. He gave us a few options, and the best and safest one was to stop the epidural, because it was relaxing me too much and I wasn't contracting well (that and the amount of fluid was making it hard for my uterus to contract), and to stop Pitocin/start Cytotec. Cytotec is a vaginal suppository that helps ripen the cervix and thin it out. So we did, and then we slept a little more. I recieved two doses of that, about 4hrs apart.

Side note: I had to use the bedpan when I needed to pee. Eww. And Daryl helped. Talk about an AMAZING HUSBAND?!?!?

Then at 1 pm, things heated up. Doc came in and checked me and I was at 4cm and her head was much lower. When he checked me, he went WAY UP THERE, and I about flew off of the bed. I was crying so hard, as was Daryl. I begged the doctor to stop. He said, "I can feel your water and her head... do you want me to break your water?" And I yelled "Do what you need to... but please hurry!" So he did... and it was a gush of fluid... that never ended haha. Sooooo much fluid! We then started back with the Pitocin. Then, when I started to hurt again around 5pm, I started back up with epidural!!

6:30 pm they inserted an internal monitor and it picked up well. They straight catheterized me and got back 1100cc urine, then checked me and I was 5cm dilated. They said my full bladder was sort of blocking some progress. So, my numb self was then rolled over and the nurse put a 'peanut ball pillow' under my leg and it helped me progress some. So weird, though! HaHa

My parents arrived at 8pm to say hello and try to wait it out some, They left the room at 9:30 when I started to feel some pressure. The nurse checked me and I was complete! WooHoo!! She called the doc and they were both in a C-Section!? I told her that I hoped she could catch a baby because I was pushing! And then 12 minutes of pushing later, I delivered my beautiful 9lb baby girl!!

When Kori came out, she was slightly blue and kept having apneic spells. The nurses didn't even let me have skin to skin time because they had to suction her out, Her apgars were 6 & 8. They let me hold her for two mins then took her to the NICU. Her glucoses were borderline, but she stabilized out!

I had one small tear... MUCH better than last time. I bled alot, and the doc had to give me Cytotec to stop it. The nurses had to massage my belly alot to firm up my fundus, and then I was ready to head to mother/baby. But first... we stopped by the NICU to see our baby <3 DARYL was so wonderful the whole time. I couldn't imagine doing any of this without him.

When we got to the NICU, I just held my baby and cried. She was so beautiful and all ours. Looking so much like her big sister. Head full of hair. Beautiful, baby girl. <3

When I got to my room, I was told that the doctor ordered an IV of Pitocin to be hung on me through the night because of my bleeding, Well, the nurse 'accidentally' left the IV wide open, so I had a ten minute contraction. I was in so much pain, that the night nurse suggested (after she fixed the dosage) that I take a Percocet and get some sleep. I agreed.. but only after seeing my baby first!!.. So after I nursed her and we held her for a while, they took her to the nursery for more monitoring and I slept some. <3

The next day, Daryl's parents brought Camryn up to the hospital to meet her baby sister. Talk about your heart overflowing!! Oh my gosh, she was so in love. Our little family is complete <3

*37 weeks*

Ok you guys, so we are at week 37... FULL TERM!!

So this is my last pregnancy pic (EVER) showing my belly size!

This past week went by really fast. Friday, I went over to my parent's house and hung out all day with mom and Lauren and the kids got to play. It was nice and relaxing, and then I headed home for dinner with Daryl and Cam. 

Saturday morning, we headed back over to their house for a small cookout with closest friends. We got there early, and I just felt so completely wiped out that I napped for about 2-3 hours before everyone showed up. It was a nice evening, and there were four pregnant gals there! Myself, Lauren, Pam, and Barbara. :)

Sunday morning, I got up and ate breakfast and took a nap, while Daryl and Cam went outside and played. He powerwashed the house (it looks soooo much better!) and Cam just played and watched Daddy :) These moments are so sweet, and the reality that she won't be an only child anymore is starting to set in. I cry alot, just watch her alot. She seems so excited about her sister, and I can only hope it stays that way. I love my Cam so much, and I know she will be a wonderful big sister for Kori. Kori is so lucky <3

So Monday we were back to the doctor's. My BP was high again... 164/100, and it didn't go down this time. So, yet again, we got sent to the hospital to be monitored. We really thought we would be staying and having a baby that night, but they sent us home later on that evening. They really want to get me to full term, and I was ok with that. We picked up Cam from mom and dad's and visited with Lauren and Adam for a little while. Adam came to visit for a few days, so it was nice for Daryl and him to catch up. 

Tuesday and Wednesday I rested alot... Did a few things for myself, though, including a pedicure and a hair cut/color, to hold me over for a few weeks! It was nice and relaxing, but I got tired really fast. Then Thursday came. I finished preparing a few things, packing last minute things, and was ready. We headed to Lynchburg for the night to stay at The Hilton (thanks to Daryl's sweet parents), to make it easier for the next morning. On the way, I was having some contractions. Nothing really regular, but they were real! Wow. We went to dinner, just Daryl, Cam, and me, at Friday's, and it was nice and sweet. I kept getting super emotional, just about Camryn and how she was going to feel sharing mommy and daddy. But, I just kept pushing on. Kori was coming, whether I was ready or not! That night laying in bed with Cam and my husband beside me, she said, "Mommy, Daddy, I want to go home." That was it. I lost it... I cried so hard. I felt like she knew things were changing. I know it was for the good, obviously, but she was no longer going to be my only baby. Just kind of hit me. Sheesh, talk about emotional!

Then, with the little sleep that I got that night, the next day arrived!!!


**How far along? 37 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: +47 lbs total. Sheesh!! I had gained +48 with Camryn, so I guess that is just my body :)

**How Big is Baby?: 8lbs5oz right now, according to the BPP on Monday!!

**Maternity clothes? Yes... and they're too small. lol

**Stretch marks? Oh yeah... what's new?

**Sleep: Almost non-existent. Wahhh!!!

**Best moment this week: Just spending lots of quality time with my husband and first born. I love my family so much. Kori is going to love it out here :)

**Movement: All the time... and they HURT!!

**Food cravings: Nothing really? Just COLD foods and drinks.

**Gender: Baby girl!!!!!!!

**Labor Signs: Am having some irregular contractions still.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

*36 weeks*

Wow. We're at week 36 and let's just say.. SOOO much has happened this past week. Lots of new news... so here we go!!

So Friday morning, Daryl and I woke up from the hospital and were sent home. I was told to take it easy, so he went on to work and I rested all day. That night, we went to my mom and dad's house to have dinner and see my sister and nephews! Soo great to see them :) I parked my butt on the couch and barely moved. HaHa

Saturday, I got up and had breakfast with Daryl and Cam and just felt exhausted afterwards. I laid down in bed and slept until 1pm! Wow. Daryl said I must have needed it. When I woke up, we packed our hospital bags so we'd be prepared. I don't want to have to be sent back to the hospital and not be prepared again, so we will be ready next time. We took a short trip to WalMart and grabbed last minute post-partum items for me and a few other things we needed... and it was definitely a short trip. I just can't walk for long periods of time. That night, I started the Evening Primrose Oil, so hopefully that will work and help dilate/soften my cervix. Crossing my fingers!!

Sunday, mom and Lauren and the boys came over and we just hung out and watched TV all day. It was very relaxed... Feet propped up and all. My BP was still high, but I just tried to take it easy :)

Monday we got some exciting news... The doctor's office called and scheduled my induction for Friday, 8/21/15!! That will get us to 37 weeks... FULL TERM!! Not much longer until we get to meet our second baby girl <3 Later on, we had a doctor's appt. My BP was HIGH.. 164/103, but it came down after I laid down on my left side for a little while. It's just too high and I don't like it. The doctor did check me and I am currently 2cm dilated and soft, baby's head is still high but she's def head down, so we're on track! Our ultrasound went great... Kori is measuring 8 lbs and 40 weeks!! Holy wow she's a big girl!! The doctor decided to bring us back for an NST Thursday to monitor her HR and do a BP check and another US next Monday. We just said 'OK!' and we're going with it.

Tuesday I just laid around and slept haha. That is it!

Wednesday, this may be TMI, but I lost my mucous plug. I know that's just another step in the right direction, so it's all good! I went and got a pedicure because let's face it... whoever has to hold up my feet during me pushing deserves nice toes to look at!! HeHe

And Thursday, we had our NST. My BP was high but not as high as it has been. It came down fast, so that was good. NST went well... Kori's HR stayed 150s, which is great! All went well... then that night, I had a horrible headache and Daryl checked my BP... It was HIGHHHH, so we called the doctor on call. She instructed me to relax and lay down and b/c of my history, it was ok for now but if got any worse, to go to L&D. It got better after a while and we went on to bed.

So, that's all for this past week, yall!! I'll post one more time before my induction next Friday!! Lots of love... 


**How far along? 36 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: I gained 0.6 lbs ... HaHa

**How Big is Baby?: 8lbs right now!! Yowza!!

**Maternity clothes? Yes... and they're too small. lol

**Stretch marks? Oh yeah... what's new?

**Sleep: Comes and goes. If I get sleepy and am able to lay down, I do!

**Best moment this week: Knowing that we are being induced and will meet our baby girl soo soon!

**Movement: All the time!!

**Food cravings: Nothing really?

**Gender: Baby girl!!!!!!!

**Labor Signs: Am having some irregular contractions still.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

*35 weeks*

So this past week was BUSY BUSY BUSY!!

Friday, I picked up Cam from school and met Daryl at the grocery store and we got our two weeks worth of groceries. I still haven't been feeling 100%. Trying to get myself together. HaHa I checked and we didn't have any kids in Peds where I work so I was hoping to be on call for atleast part of the day on Saturday. Well, they had different plans for me... Bummer.

Saturday morning, I got the phone call to be floated to OB. I was pretty bitter about it because I didn't feel so hot, but I wasn't super busy and they took it easy on me. It wasn't bad and I got my hours!! Sunday, I worked all day again, but in Peds. We had one patient and the other nurse, a good friend of mine, Jacki, took the patient all day. I just took it easy. I definitely wasn't feeling well that day, but it was more-so just nausea. BAD nausea, all day. I left out of there that night and went home to chicken noodle soup... love my hubs <3

So, after a decent night's sleep, we got up Monday morning and took Cam to school. Then, Daryl had his scheduled endoscopy to test for reasons of his difficulty swallowing. We got the answer we were hoping for,,, Just years of acid reflux and a stricture. So, they stretched out his esophagus and kept him on Protonix. He has been feeling so much better, and we are relieved :) Afterwards, we grabbed lunch and went home and napped. WooHoo!

Tuesday, I worked an extra shift, 7a-3p. It wasn't too bad, just busy. Got that bonus pay!!

I worked night shift Wednesday night and by this time, I was exhausted. I slept all day Wednesday... just abnormally tired. Daryl checked my blood pressure when he got home and it was so high, he told me to check it again when I got to work. Well, I did, and it was 163/102. Eeeek. I knew I had a doc appt on Thursday, so I just took it easy and put my feet up as much as possible.

Then.... DUN DUN DUN. Thursday's doc appt went totally different than I expected. My blood pressure was 165/100 and did not come down easily. My doctor took me out of work, and told me I had protein in my urine. She then said "Well, your blood pressure doesn't want to come down, so we are going to send you to the hospital to be monitored for a little while". Took us by total surprise. Soooo we headed over. They hooked me up to the monitor and Kori's heartbeat was nice and strong, but my BP was still up, So, the doctor checked me and I was closed and about 50% effaced. But, since my pressure was still unstable, they decided to check my blood and discovered my platelets were low. They explained they were going to keep my overnight and check them again in the morning. If they fall, they were going to induce me. I got scared. Induce me at 35 weeks?! Daryl calmed me down, and explained they would only do what's best. I felt better but DID NOT sleep well. But.... the next morning, my PLT stayed the same!! So they sent me home. Pheeewwww!!! I am on bedrest and was told to seriously take it easy. So, that's \what I am doing!

At this point, it's a waiting game. We will have another doc appt on Monday with an ultrasound and a biophysical profile to check Kori's growth. Seeeee you all then!!! <3


**How far along? 35 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: I gained 1.4 lbs ... Not too bad.

**How Big is Baby?: Honeydew!! I don't doubt it... She feels huge!!

**Maternity clothes? Yes... I can't wear t-shirts anymore. Things are getting snug in the belly.

**Stretch marks? Oh yeah.. I think I can feel new ones come up... it's a 'pulling' feeling. Strange, I know...

**Sleep: Comes and goes. If I get sleepy and am able to lay down, I do!

**Best moment this week: Hearing Kori's heartbeat for hours on end Thursday night <3

**Movement: All the time. And they hurt!!

**Food cravings: Nothing really?

**Gender: Baby girl!!!!!!!

**Labor Signs: Am having some irregular contractions... they showed up on the monitor, but they weren't regular, so they weren't concerned.

Friday, July 31, 2015

*Well this is interesting...*

Ok, so I know I keep referring to her as 'baby', and I am not sure if I've announced her name on this blog, but she will forever be...



And as I was looking through old pregnancy pics, I came across one from the end of my pregnancy with Camryn... look at this. I look the same size NOW at 34 weeks, as I did with Camryn at 36 weeks. Hmmm...

*34 weeks*

So, A LOT happened this past week!!

After working Thursday night and sleeping some, I got up Friday and got myself together as Daryl's parents came in town to visit for the weekend! We had pizza and just visited with them Friday night, catching up!

Saturday, I got up and got ready and Cam, Mom, Cathy, and I  headed off to Chesterfield to Anna's Pizza for my baby shower (Daryl and his dad went golfing)! It was such a great turn out!! We got so many things we needed and are so excited! Feeling much more prepared! (Side note: This might be TMI, but I woke up and noticed some pinkish colored urine and had some cramps. Made me nervous, but I took it easy and drank ALOT of water throughout the day.) After the shower, mom headed home and when I got home, Daryl and his dad got all the gifts in and I changed clothes and sat my butt in the chair and didn't move. I fell asleep sitting up at about 8:00 and when I woke up, Daryl's parents were gone. I felt so bad, but he assured me that they insisted on leaving so I could get some sleep. Sweet, sweet in-laws. I just love them <3


Sunday, I got up feeling much more refreshed and we got ready and headed to The Hampton Inn where Daryl's parents are staying and went swimming (we do this every year and Camryn loves it!), I only swam for about 15 minutes but it was heavenly again!!  We had a great time. We left and had lunch at Macado's and headed back home. We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out with his parents and relaxing. When it came time for them to leave, I got teary eyed! Cam didn't want them to go, and I realized, the next time we see them, Camryn will be having to share attention from them with her baby sister... Agh... Things are just hitting me now.

Monday, Daryl headed to work and took Camryn to preschool. I ate breakfast and unpacked all our new baby gifts. Once I was finished (two hours later), I SLEPT!!! And it was actually a good nap!! HaHa. Monday was my RELAX day... and I did. :)

I woke up Tuesday at about 4am with a strange 'pinching' feeling near what I believe to be my cervix area? I tried to use the bathroom and walk it off, but it was nagging. It didn't really go away, but I tried to write it off as baby pressure. I had lunch with mom and went back home and rested, but it didn't go away. So I woke up Wednesday morning and called my GP here in Farmville. I told them my symptoms and that at this point, I believe it to be another (or unresolved from a month ago) UTI. I could tell they wanted me to go see my OB doc, but I explained that is an hour away and that I am sure it's a UTI...So they finally agreed to see me...and guess what, IT IS A UTI. The doc put me on 7 days of Macrobid. Thank youuuuuu. Finally. Explains all the urgency and pink/red urine and spotting. And not to mention how uncomfortable I am. Ugh. I went back home and slept some and worked night shift that night. Talk about feeling bad... I think I peed 25 times. Oh well. Hopefully I will start to feeling better sooner than later.

Thursday... SLEPT. ALL. DAY. That's about it. We had pizza for dinner and took Cam to get a milkshake in our PJ's (we went through the drive thru). Just my sweet little family :)

So, now, I am finally caught up with these blogs. I have been so bad about doing these weekly, and I am sorry!!! I will see ya next week!!! <3


**How far along? 34 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: I gained 0.6lbs... Less than a pound. I'll take that!

**How Big is Baby?: Honeydew!! I don't doubt it... She feels huge!!

**Maternity clothes? Yes... I can't wear t-shirts anymore. Things are getting snug in the belly.

**Stretch marks? Oh yeah.. I think I can feel new ones come up... it's a 'pulling' feeling. Strange, I know...

**Sleep: Comes and goes. If I get sleepy and am able to lay down, I do!

**Best moment this week: Sleep when I am able. HaHa.

**Movement: All the time. And they hurt sometimes!!

**Food cravings: Pizza... they get baby moving!!!

**Gender: Baby girl!!!!!!!

**Labor Signs: Nah...

*33 weeks vs 34 weeks*

I just had to show this... Alot of people are commenting on how much I have dropped over the past week or so and when I compared pictures, I thought, "WOW!"

*33 weeks*

So this past week was CRAZYYYY. CRAZY, I tell ya.

Ok, so let me explain...

It started out ok, with my older sister coming in town to visit family and friends for the weekend. I really wasn't feeling so hot, still nauseated pretty bad, but I managed to get myself together and we went to my parents' house Friday night for a little cookout. It was nice, and I lost track of time... I was like 'CRAP!' when I realized it was 10pm and I had to work Saturday morning... So we left and I rushed home to go to sleep. Ugh... 4.5hrs of interrupted sleep is not enough at 33wks pregnant. Buttttttt I made it. 

Saturday and Sunday at work were unfortunately CRAZY busy. I took care of three mother/baby overflow couplets all weekend, which totaled 6 patients, and was so tired come Sunday night that I crashed when I got home!! Sleep sleep sleep!! On a positive note though, I found out that my BFF/cousin is PREGNANT!!! She's 13 weeks. They've been trying for about 16 months, so that was extra special news <3

Like I said last week, I have been trying to pick up extra shifts here and there to make a little extra money to pay a few things down/off before I go out for my FMLA. So, I worked Monday night/Tuesday morning 1-7am. Slept for four hours Tuesday, then I had an OB appt in Lynchburg (an hour away) with the same male doc I saw last time. Daryl actually really liked him. My BP was 144/88, so the doctor didn't love that, but I explained that I had just worked night shift and hadn't slept much, so he told me to try to rest some. Baby's HR was 155 and strong! We were in and out of there within 45 mins, so we grabbed a bite to eat afterwards and went to pick up Cam from my parents' house and headed home.

I worked day shift Wednesday morning (another bonus shift... and yes, I realize I just worked night shift Monday night), and I immediately remembered why I DON'T DO DAY SHIFT DURING THE WEEK anymore. It's so busy and crazy and I feel like I am always being critiqued by 'higher ups'. I feel more tense as well. It was pretty busy and I ended up not leaving until 2pm... So, I worked 7a-2p. I got off, grabbed lunch, and headed home. I ate and fell asleep in the La-Z-Boy for 45 mins and then my alarm went off... I had to freshen up and leave again.. I picked up Cam and headed to meet Daryl at Charley's for dinner. We met his aunt and uncle and grandparents who were passing through on their way to DC for the week. It was nice! Deb and Jeff gave Cam a little purse and BIG SISTER outfit, and gave us a few outfits for our sweet baby girl. His grandma made another beautiful homemade baby blanket... just beautiful! <3 It was really nice to see them all, as we aren't sure if we will see them during the holidays or not this year... We haven't decided if we are traveling to OH/KY or not this year yet... we will see!

I rested up ALOT Thursday and worked that night shift... luckily it was with a good friend, Ashley! We had fun catching up, as she is PRN and lives in VA Beach now. She is one of the sweetest people I know, and she kept me entertained! 

Sooooo that was my crazy busy week! I won't be pulling a work week like that again anytime soon... especially not while pregnant. HaHa. See you all next week!!


**How far along? 33 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: Ok well... I made up for last week... +3lbs. Pretty sure it's mostly water weight... I worked so much :(

**How Big is Baby?: Up to a HONEYDEW now!! Wt: 4.2-5.8lb and 17-18" long...

**Maternity clothes? Yeah but everything is getting kinda small...eeeeek!!

**Stretch marks? Oh yeah.. I think I can feel new ones come up... it's a 'pulling' feeling. Strange, I know...

**Sleep: Impossible... I am starting to really get uncomfortable and the carpal tunnel really sucks!

**Best moment this week: Friday morning... the work week was over! HaHa

**Movement: All the time. And they hurt sometimes!!

**Food cravings: ICE COLD WATER.

**Gender: Baby girl!!!!!!!

**Labor Signs: Nah...

*32 weeks*

So 32 weeks. THIRTY. TWO. WEEKS. CRAZY!!!

This week, I was SO tired. Almost every day. I slept alot, and the nausea was starting to kick back in. I remember that happening from my last pregnancy, and it make sense... there's no room anymore in there! HaHa. 

Friday night, I worked an extra 'bonus' shift, making a good amount of extra money per hour, and it wasn't too bad. But come Saturday morning, I was ready to hit the sheets. I woke up around 1pm, and Cam and Daryl were just having a chill out day, playing and hanging out. All was going ok, but I started having some crazy heart palpitations... to the point that it scared me. Daryl listened to my heart through a stethoscope and could actually hear my heart skip beats.. He made me drink water, eat, and lay down. It worried him, which made me concerned haha. But after a few hours, I was ok. I think I was dehydrated. But really, I am sort of overdoing it. I am trying to work as much as possible now to get things paid down before I go out on FMLA. Oh well.

Sunday morning, we got up and just went at it with cleaning and organizing. Things are getting down to the nitty gritty and we are starting to panic! We cleaned so much, and I just kept trucking along, and by the afternoon, I was completely wiped out. So tired that I couldn't even shave my legs that night haha! We just rested up and had a nice little family movie night before the week started.

Monday, I got on the phone and finally called and set up my short term disability for when I am out... I will only get paid for the amount of time that my doctor says I need to be out.. So for example, if I were to go out and have the baby naturally the next day, the doctor will say, "Ok, you need to be out of  work for six weeks"... There is still a 'two week wait period', where you don't get paid and they process everything, so I will only be paid for four weeks... and only 60% of my BASE PAY at that. So, that is going to hurt. But as Daryl says, "Atleast we get something, babe..." It will take care of our insurance for while I am out, so that is nice. But still.. why can't the US recognize maternity leave like other countries?! Some countries get MONTHS off with PAID leave. Sheesh. Oh well... it is what it is. I ended up working Monday night, which wasn't bad. We decided to try to potty train Cam at nighttime and after two nights, we thought, 'who cares about this right now' haha. It is HARD and she gets so upset with herself so we are putting that off for now.

Thursday I had lunch with some ladies at work, as a going away celebration for one of my co-workers and to catch up with some of my friends :) We had a staff meeting afterwards and the work ladies had a little cake for the preggos! It was delish! Then I made a grocery trip and headed home. That's about it for this week... see ya next week!


**How far along? 32 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: Nada. I didn't gain at all this week! WooHoo!

**How Big is Baby?: Winter Squash... 2.5 - 3.8 lbs.... I doubt that. I am huge!

**Maternity clothes? YES... and they're starting to get a little small in the belly... and my t-shirts are getting VERY short!

**Stretch marks? Oh yeah.. I think I can feel new ones come up... it's a 'pulling' feeling. Strange, I know...

**Sleep: Comes and goes. If I get sleepy and am able to lay down, I do!

**Best moment this week: Sleep when I am able. HaHa.

**Movement: All the time. And they hurt sometimes!!

**Food cravings: Quesadillas!!

**Gender: Baby girl!!!!!!!

**Labor Signs: Nah...