And here I am, in the present, at 11 weeks and 5 days today!
This week was great! Even though I am still nauseated, I know that that is a good thing and means my HCG levels are continuing to climb. GOOD GOOD GOOD! I still have random aversions to foods everyday, and when the craving for something hits, it's like, GO TIME. I gotta have it. This week it was a chicken salad sandwich.. then thirty minutes later, I wanted to vomit. So that kind of ruined that leftover sandwich. Needless to say, Daryl took it for lunch.
So I worked Monday night shift, 12.5 hours, and it was a nightmare! We were so busy and barely sat down. So I knew Tuesday would be a long day. I got home at 7:45am, slept until 11:15, then got up and got ready for our first ultrasound appt. Daryl came home and drove us there. We got there and waited about 5 mins and then they called us back. BP= 140/85, after three tries. If you know me, you know about my BP issues and my doctor is ok with that reading. She told me that as long as it is 150s/90s and lower, I am ok. She informed me that a new practice is to start pregnant women with BP issues on a baby aspirin daily to help decrease risk of preeclampsia. Huh. Kinda cool. Going to do that asap. So, then we had the Ultrasound... That sweet baby popped up on the screen and was so active, turning and moving around... She/he turned to face us... we laughed and so did the doctor! Then baby literally did a little 'wave'... it was hilarous! HR was 160bpm, very strong. We were elated! We got some pics, which I will post asap. So, now we really feel good to go. We told friends and the rest of our family and it is mostly public knowledge now. THE OUTWARD JOURNEY BEGINS! <3
Here is a little weekly pregnancy survey I will do to help keep you all caught up...
**How far along? 11.5 weeks
**Total weight gain/loss: Ugh, this better slow down!! :(
**How Big is Baby?: A fig?
**Maternity clothes? Wore my first pair of maternity jeans
yesterday... the panel is a bit big and they sagged in the butt area but
atleast I don't have to squeeze in them!!
**Stretch marks? I don't even know... Have the ones from
Camryn so who knows lol
**Sleep: Not really... was up at midnight making a steak?
**Best moment this week: Seeing the baby on the ultrasound!
**Movement: I like to think I feel little flutters hehe
**Food cravings: Applesauce and fruit (chicken salad
sandwich, which was later a bad idea)
**Gender: Don't know yet!
**Labor Signs: No way!!
**Belly Button in or out? In