Wednesday, February 25, 2015

*Week 11*

And here I am, in the present, at 11 weeks and 5 days today!

This week was great! Even though I am still nauseated, I know that that is a good thing and means my HCG levels are continuing to climb. GOOD GOOD GOOD! I still have random aversions to foods everyday, and when the craving for something hits, it's like, GO TIME. I gotta have it. This week it was a chicken salad sandwich.. then thirty minutes later, I wanted to vomit. So that kind of ruined that leftover sandwich. Needless to say, Daryl took it for lunch.

So I worked Monday night shift, 12.5 hours, and it was a nightmare! We were so busy and barely sat down. So I knew Tuesday would be a long day. I got home at 7:45am, slept until 11:15, then got up and got ready for our first ultrasound appt. Daryl came home and drove us there. We got there and waited about 5 mins and then they called us back. BP= 140/85, after three tries. If you know me, you know about my BP issues and my doctor is ok with that reading. She told me that as long as it is 150s/90s and lower, I am ok. She informed me that a new practice is to start pregnant women with BP issues on a baby aspirin daily to help decrease risk of preeclampsia. Huh. Kinda cool. Going to do that asap. So, then we had the Ultrasound... That sweet baby popped up on the screen and was so active, turning and moving around... She/he turned to face us... we laughed and so did the doctor! Then baby literally did a little 'wave'... it was hilarous! HR was 160bpm, very strong. We were elated! We got some pics, which I will post asap. So, now we really feel good to go. We told friends and the rest of our family and it is mostly public knowledge now. THE OUTWARD JOURNEY BEGINS! <3


Here is a little weekly pregnancy survey I will do to help keep you all caught up...

**How far along? 11.5 weeks

**Total weight gain/loss: Ugh, this better slow down!! :(

**How Big is Baby?: A fig?

**Maternity clothes? Wore my first pair of maternity jeans yesterday... the panel is a bit big and they sagged in the butt area but atleast I don't have to squeeze in them!!

**Stretch marks? I don't even know... Have the ones from Camryn so who knows lol

**Sleep: Not really... was up at midnight making a steak?

**Best moment this week: Seeing the baby on the ultrasound!

**Movement: I like to think I feel little flutters hehe

**Food cravings: Applesauce and fruit (chicken salad sandwich, which was later a bad idea)

**Gender: Don't know yet!

**Labor Signs: No way!!

**Belly Button in or out? In

*Weeks 9 & 10*

So here's week 9!

Feels like time is flying by. My sister told me it would, with having a toddler and life changes that we've had in the past few months. Good grief!

So during week 9, I had my nurse appt, which is where they take weight and BP and just talk to me about what was going to happen during the pregnancy, regarding tests, labs, ultrasounds, etc. Yeah, yeah... been there, done that. HaHa. This appt though, was at 2pm, the day after I worked a 12hr night shift. UGH! I slept from 8am until 12pm, showered, and drove the hour to get there. Daryl didn't come because he couldn't come back to the room with me anyways, so it would've been pointless for him to miss work. BP was a little high, but nothing to fret over.

Then comes week 10... HELLO. Nausea and gas. That's all I can say. Wowzers. Poor Daryl and Camryn hahahahaha. I got really caught up on the weight gain this week. With the nausea, you kind of just eat whatever you can that you can tolerate, and unfortunately, it has been burgers and pasta for me. Not alot, but that's still more carbs than I am used to. Weight fluctuates, but I know it's all depending on the sodium I take in, fluid, and constipation (TMI, sorry Douggers), On Monday night, I had to work 7-11pm... and it snowed, like a blizzard. Daryl would NOT let me drive, so he took and me and picked me up. My first ultrasound appt was scheduled for the next day, but it was cancelled because of the weather, so we rescheduled for next week. Bummer. I for some reason got a BAD headache this week, and concluded it was sinus related. Blah. Camryn still wasn't 100% better, but getting there. We started her on Zyrtec, so hopefully that helps. And the big milestone this week... I told my boss I'm pregnant. She was very supportive and happy for me and I am super stoked about that!

Read on, read on...

These are the pictures of the snow when I was on my way to work that evening!!

*Weeks 7 & 8*

Alright, so here's where things start getting a little more interesting (for me, anyway)...

Week 7 came, and yada yada. All was good, still just a few pounds weight gain fluctuations, nothing to talk about.

Then comes week 7.5, in like a BANG. The nausea hit, and boy did it HIT! Ugh. Nothing sounded good. I felt bad constantly. Daryl was so patient, but I know it was annoying,,, Shoot, I was annoyed with myself!! I had to constantly pee, especially during the night. I did have a bit of brown spotting at 7.5 weeks and it scared me to death. I called Daryl and the doctor's and told them and they told me that that was 'old blood' clearing out and as long as it isn't pink or bright red, then it's ok. <<Sighs>> I know, I know, I'm too worrisome. But that's a scary thing!

Camryn, poor girl, was sick this week. She had a bad cold and sore throat and her pediatrician put her on Amoxicillin for ten days. She's such a trooper but I didn't take her to school for a few days or to dance that weekend. She was a little mopey but I think she understood. She is getting so big and smart. Agh. Love that little girl. <3

Week 8.. Not too much to talk about, this week. I was starting to get very tired very easily. I worked extra to help out some. Found out that, along with myself, there are two other pregnant girls on my unit at work.. one is 7 weeks ahead of me and one is 2 weeks ahead of me! Oops lol. Oh yeah... lunch date with mom= MEXICAN WAS A BAD IDEA. That is a big no no for a long time. Talk about wanting to yack! Ugh!

Sorry these blogs seem short. They will get longer as I begin to to do them weekly. I've saved up all my weekly info to fill this out after we had our first ultrasound... So technically, at the time of this blog, I am almost 12 weeks! Keep on reading, folks!

*Weeks 5 and 6*

I was so sure I was going to start having nausea at this point but it never came. So of course, that made me nervous. But when I had my blood drawn again and my HCG levels were 2,417, I knew everything was fine!!

During week 5, I had an excruciating lower left back pain, almost in the upper buttocks area... almost felt like a kidney stone. I am thinking now it was just that little bean up in there getting all cozy for the next nine months. Already a "pain in my ass"... must be a boy? HaHa j/k. So, naturally, I was really worried about every ache and pain and didn't sleep well. My boobs hurt and were getting large, and I did notice a little reflux-like issue after big meals. Nothing major though.

During week 6, I had a major aversion to anything dairy, especially yogurt and ice cream... WEIRD! Because if you know me, you know I love ice cream! Still, just the same symptoms I have been having. Anyways, I went in for a quick ultrasound to make sure baby was doing ok, and we saw a sac and a little bitty white blob, and then the pulsating... the ultrasound tech said, "Oh there's the heartbeat!" We were relieved! I still couldn't wait to HEAR the heartbeat, but that would do for now!

I will post some pictures once we have a working computer!

*Two Pink Lines are Better than One!*

So... after all that happened in the early fall, we decided to wait a few months to try again and decided on trying in January/February time. Kind of a "let's enjoy the holidays and relax" kind of deal. Well, we weren't so careful in December... obviously.

We went on two trips out of state in December, so on top of all the holidays and Thanksgiving and Christmas being so close together this year, it was very hectic. Daryl graduated with his three majors as well, so we had so much celebrating to do! We returned around New Years Eve from OH, just in time for poor Daryl to get bronchitis. He thought he was dying. MEN.

So, I worked the weekend of January 3 & 4. Through having a sick husband and working, I also could not stop crying! Camryn was starting preschool on Monday morning and it just was throwing me through a loop! Good grief! Stupid, emotional momma. Right? Anyways... at work Sunday afternoon, I started thinking, I was supposed to have a visit from Aunt Flow on Friday, but she didn't show. I'm emotional. I'm tired.... hmmm. When I left work, I stopped by the pharmacy and picked up a box of HPT. Couldn't hurt. I didn't tell anyone, so when I got home, I said to Daryl, "Let me run and change and I'll be right out for dinner." Three minutes later, I was sitting there staring at  two pink lines. WOW. Not that we weren't trying or ready for this, but WOW. With Camryn, it was so structured and it happened so fast and we just knew. This was a bit of a surprise... we knew it would happen in the next few months, but WOW!!! So, I took the test out to Daryl and showed him. He smiled and hugged me and said, "I am so happy, but scared to get too excited because of last time." I told him that I really believed this was real... I felt the symptoms and just had that feeling this time. But, we waited to tell anyone for a few more days.

Monday morning, bright and early, Daryl was off to work! Starting his big boy job... so proud of my hubs!!! I took Camryn to school Monday morning and had a breakdown haha. My child eats scrambled eggs and fruit for breakfast. When I got her there, she had a plain bagel and some random fruit cup sitting on the table for her and 15 other kids just staring at her. Her little lip poked out and she looked at me so unsure. I hugged and kissed her and then walked away, and the teacher grabbed her and when I got in my car, I sobbed for ten minutes. MY CHILD HATES SCHOOL AND SHE'S EATING LIKE AN ORPHAN! :*( I couldn't wait until 3:00, and when I picked her up, she ran up to me smiling. That was a start!

So come Thursday, I was feeling the preggo symptoms still (backache, tired, crampy, uhmm, gas), so I  was more positive. I called the doc's office and they suggested I get blood drawn again. So I went in and when I got the results, I was elated= I was 4w6d pregnant, and my levels were 273! I was told to go back and have them drawn Monday to be sure they were rising. In the meantime, I told my parents and sisters and Daryl told his parents. We were all so happy!

 And so the journey begins...

Little background of the past few years...

Hello again!

I cannot believe it has been 3.5 years since i have posted anything new to this blog! Feels like yesterday I was blogging about my pregnancy journey with Camryn... now it is time to let you all follow us through our second pregnancy journey with baby #2!

So I am sure it is just close friends and family reading this, so just to warn you now, some things I may post could be a little bit "TMI" so to speak, so you're forewarned now! HaHa

The past 3.5 years having Camryn as an only child have been amazing. Trying at times, but amazing. As soon as I went back to work after maternity leave with her, I started part time, working one night shift per week and every other weekend day shift. So, I have been working two twelve hour shifts per week. Daryl was in school full time and working part time at Ruby Tuesday's through most of that... just a young couple trying to make ends meet! We have loved being parents... I don't know why anyone wouldn't want their own children. Raising a child is the absolute best, and hardest, thing I have ever done and wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING. <3

So let's skip to July 2014. This is the month that I decided to go ahead and quit birth control. We originally wanted to "get pregnant in August/September" so we could have a baby in the spring... in a perfect world, right? Well, we did get pregnant, and found out in early August. I had a positive HPT on Sunday morning... so exciting! WOW! Happened again on try #1,,,too easy?! We told our parents and then decided to keep quiet for a while. Then, the unthinkable... I kept thinking how I didn't feel pregnant. With Camryn, I was pretty ill the first week, just feeling achey and tired and almost 'flu-like'. Didn't feel anything this go round. So come Wednesday, I took another HPT, and it was negative. Thinking it was faulty, I drove to the store with Camryn in tow and bought another box of tests. Got home, took it= NEGATIVE. I panicked. I called Daryl and he came home from work and we went to the doc's office to have blood drawn (that's all they could do at this point). I was told my HCG levels were 9... At 4-5wks pregnant, they should be between 5-240. So I still had some hope, but had to go back and have them drawn in 48hrs to see if they were rising. The next day, I started my period. I lost it. I cried and cried. I just knew... I had a miscarriage. I felt like curling up in a ball and just disappearing... but then I heard a little voice, "Mommy, why are you crying? It's gonna be ok, mommy"... She then gave me a sticker to make my booboo all better <3 Yes, I was hurting, but I had THIS little girl to live for and an amazingly supportive husband. So, I decided to have my blood drawn the next day and it was at 2. The nurse told me it sounded like a chemical pregnancy... where the sperm and egg meet but never actually implant into the uterus. If I would have never taken a test, it would have been like a late period to me. I didn't have any abnormal pains or anything, so my mom told me she will forever believe that it was never a baby. That gives me some comfort. <3

The rest of the fall we decided to wait and let Daryl finish school and just prepare that way. We had great holidays and spent lots of time with family.

It truly just wasn't meant to happen at that time.