Wednesday, February 25, 2015

*Weeks 7 & 8*

Alright, so here's where things start getting a little more interesting (for me, anyway)...

Week 7 came, and yada yada. All was good, still just a few pounds weight gain fluctuations, nothing to talk about.

Then comes week 7.5, in like a BANG. The nausea hit, and boy did it HIT! Ugh. Nothing sounded good. I felt bad constantly. Daryl was so patient, but I know it was annoying,,, Shoot, I was annoyed with myself!! I had to constantly pee, especially during the night. I did have a bit of brown spotting at 7.5 weeks and it scared me to death. I called Daryl and the doctor's and told them and they told me that that was 'old blood' clearing out and as long as it isn't pink or bright red, then it's ok. <<Sighs>> I know, I know, I'm too worrisome. But that's a scary thing!

Camryn, poor girl, was sick this week. She had a bad cold and sore throat and her pediatrician put her on Amoxicillin for ten days. She's such a trooper but I didn't take her to school for a few days or to dance that weekend. She was a little mopey but I think she understood. She is getting so big and smart. Agh. Love that little girl. <3

Week 8.. Not too much to talk about, this week. I was starting to get very tired very easily. I worked extra to help out some. Found out that, along with myself, there are two other pregnant girls on my unit at work.. one is 7 weeks ahead of me and one is 2 weeks ahead of me! Oops lol. Oh yeah... lunch date with mom= MEXICAN WAS A BAD IDEA. That is a big no no for a long time. Talk about wanting to yack! Ugh!

Sorry these blogs seem short. They will get longer as I begin to to do them weekly. I've saved up all my weekly info to fill this out after we had our first ultrasound... So technically, at the time of this blog, I am almost 12 weeks! Keep on reading, folks!

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