Wednesday, February 25, 2015

*Two Pink Lines are Better than One!*

So... after all that happened in the early fall, we decided to wait a few months to try again and decided on trying in January/February time. Kind of a "let's enjoy the holidays and relax" kind of deal. Well, we weren't so careful in December... obviously.

We went on two trips out of state in December, so on top of all the holidays and Thanksgiving and Christmas being so close together this year, it was very hectic. Daryl graduated with his three majors as well, so we had so much celebrating to do! We returned around New Years Eve from OH, just in time for poor Daryl to get bronchitis. He thought he was dying. MEN.

So, I worked the weekend of January 3 & 4. Through having a sick husband and working, I also could not stop crying! Camryn was starting preschool on Monday morning and it just was throwing me through a loop! Good grief! Stupid, emotional momma. Right? Anyways... at work Sunday afternoon, I started thinking, I was supposed to have a visit from Aunt Flow on Friday, but she didn't show. I'm emotional. I'm tired.... hmmm. When I left work, I stopped by the pharmacy and picked up a box of HPT. Couldn't hurt. I didn't tell anyone, so when I got home, I said to Daryl, "Let me run and change and I'll be right out for dinner." Three minutes later, I was sitting there staring at  two pink lines. WOW. Not that we weren't trying or ready for this, but WOW. With Camryn, it was so structured and it happened so fast and we just knew. This was a bit of a surprise... we knew it would happen in the next few months, but WOW!!! So, I took the test out to Daryl and showed him. He smiled and hugged me and said, "I am so happy, but scared to get too excited because of last time." I told him that I really believed this was real... I felt the symptoms and just had that feeling this time. But, we waited to tell anyone for a few more days.

Monday morning, bright and early, Daryl was off to work! Starting his big boy job... so proud of my hubs!!! I took Camryn to school Monday morning and had a breakdown haha. My child eats scrambled eggs and fruit for breakfast. When I got her there, she had a plain bagel and some random fruit cup sitting on the table for her and 15 other kids just staring at her. Her little lip poked out and she looked at me so unsure. I hugged and kissed her and then walked away, and the teacher grabbed her and when I got in my car, I sobbed for ten minutes. MY CHILD HATES SCHOOL AND SHE'S EATING LIKE AN ORPHAN! :*( I couldn't wait until 3:00, and when I picked her up, she ran up to me smiling. That was a start!

So come Thursday, I was feeling the preggo symptoms still (backache, tired, crampy, uhmm, gas), so I  was more positive. I called the doc's office and they suggested I get blood drawn again. So I went in and when I got the results, I was elated= I was 4w6d pregnant, and my levels were 273! I was told to go back and have them drawn Monday to be sure they were rising. In the meantime, I told my parents and sisters and Daryl told his parents. We were all so happy!

 And so the journey begins...

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